DBS-90 - Generation change in the "compact class" pneumatically damped stopper

More powerful, more convenient and safer to use - the new DBS-90 is here.

More powerful, more convenient and safer

The new DBS-90 is pneumatically driven and can stop workpiece carriers weighing up to 90 kg in a damped manner and release them again if required. It has about 50% more damping capacity than its predecessor, the DBS-20/60. The damping force adjustment screw is located on the top of the DBS-90, making it more convenient to adjust than before. Adjustments to the stop plate have also made the DBS-90 much more robust against residual impact.

Wherever DBS-20/60 units were previously in use, it is possible to switch to the new unit without any problems or conversion effort, as the DBS-90 has exactly the same connection dimensions.

As a safety feature, the DBS-90 has integrated front anti-trap protection, and the unit is also much quieter when lowered, helping to reduce noise pollution in the surrounding area.

More sustainable and stable in price

As a result of the design changes made, the production of the DBS-90 produces less metal removal volume and therefore less waste. These and other measures taken during production make the machine more sustainable, leaving a significantly smaller carbon footprint.

Despite sharply rising material and energy costs, the new unit can be offered at the same price as the predecessor model thanks to the aforementioned design adjustments and efficiency improvements in production - while, of course, maintaining the same service life.

Product DBS-90

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